An initiative possible with the help of

Citizens’ Agora on Land-Use and Development in the Montreal Metropolitan Region

December 3&4 2010

UQAM, Pavillon Sherbrooke
200, Sherbrooke W st, Montreal

Register before November 30, 2010


  1. Raising awareness and informing the population and stakeholders about the issues related to the design of the metropolitan plan, as well as providing them with a forum for interaction, a forum which could be established on a permanent basis.
  2. Sharing a metropolitan vision based on the goals identified by the stakeholders and the citizens of the municipalities and MRCs of the metropolitan region.
  3. Selecting specific themes pertaining to new issues raised in the 21st century and identifying performance indicators as well as monitoring and accountability tools to implement municipal, regional and metropolitan plans.
  4. Contributing to the content of master plans and to the planning process by setting up ways of mobilising the population.

Expected Outcomes

  1. Contribute to the development of people’s sense of belonging to the Montreal metropolitan region.
  2. Implement mechanisms to mobilize and hence incite civil society to participate in defining the principles and provisions of the new metropolitan land-use and development plan, independent of the related official jurisdictions.
  3. Establish the general conditions and principles on which to base a metropolitan-wide citizens’ organization.
  4. Contribute to identifying the problems and opportunities arising in the metropolitan region.
  5. Draw up conclusions, in the form of orientations, actions, and indicators to incorporate in the metropolitan land-use and development plan.
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